i think the name is self explanatory

Wednesday, July 14, 2004

"My stomach is saying things to me that my ears don't want to hear."

So I just recently set my msn screenname to 'kayonne: aiming at 130' (pounds, that is) because...well...I'm trying to get to the 130lb mark. Weight-wise that is. So I'm on a strict weight gain regimen. Yup, food here I come!! This crackhead look just isn't working for me at all. Unfortunately I think I just missed lunch. The person who's supposedly paying my wages for the summery time told me earlier that she needs to meet with me at about 2:00pm, so I was supposed to fill the tum-tum before that time because I don't know when next I'll be free. But ummm...yeah, that didn't happen.


.o0(I need to call Denise to tell her I won't be staying by her tonight)


wHAT WAS i SAYING? Caps lock is a killer. But yeah...erm...oh yeah, lunch. Nope, that didn't happen. I got on the internet, helped a student out and that was it. It's now 2:06pm and I'm waiting in my boss person's office. My weight gain plan is in jeopardy. And I'm hungry. I would KILL for a can of soup. Seriously. I have a bagel and cheese sandwich thing in my bag that I'll probably try to sneak on the low, but I really want something hot to go with it. like hot chocolate...mmmm...chocolate....

Actually, i'm not really that crazy over chocolate



I need food! I'm not picky, right now it could be 'mmm...dirt...' for all I care. 'Cept, I guess, it won't ever be 'mmm...mud...' because there's not very many things worse than an improperly soggy meal.

