i think the name is self explanatory

Saturday, September 25, 2004

new look...

"yo everybody wears a mask but how long will it last?"
- The Fugees

So I've decided to take a new blogger template for a test run. I know, I know...the previous template was nothing short of split pea elegance. But you know what? Sometimes change is a good thing, a refreshing thing even. An inevitable part of life without which growth and progress - hallmarks of civilised society - are impossible. Without change man would still be living in caves, caterpillars would never become butterflies and tadpoles would be stuck with their tails for eternity. Like ma boy Heraclitus said, "Nothing endures but change."

Deep stuff. Think about it...

Plus, I saved the code for the old template in a notepad file on my harddrive so, you know, we're good to go. Take a journey with me as my blog tries out a new mask - even if just for a while - and I try to sit back and let God help me discard some masks of my own. See you on the flip side babylove.

Monday, September 20, 2004


I'm discombobulated and I HATE Matlab and I want to go HOME!!!! I'll try to explain once I re-combobulate myself.

I'm thoroughly disliking this semester. But my tuition is paid, so I can't back out now even though I still don't have anywhere to live. sigh.


when i originally penned this post i may have been feeling a tad bit frustrated :) I had homework due that I was completely at a loss as to how to approach in a class in which I had already messed up on the previous homework (the joy that is "Pattern Classification"). I'm not used to feeling completely lost in a class, or rather, I'm not used to being in a class where I am the only one seemingly wandering around with blinders on. And I don't hate Matlab, I actually like Matlab. I think Matlab is the bombdigiddy - when it does what it's supposed to do (Don't you hate it when it works fine on your code, but then you close your file, reopen it, try to run it and all of a sudden it refuses to plot your graphs?]. But anyway, at the moment I hated it because I had completely forgotten what little I had previously known about using the software, and both assignments that I have been given thus far involve what seems to me anyway to be indepth Matlab coding. Frustrating. And what with commuting between DC and Baltimore (I live in DC for now, and go to school in B'more) and working in DC on the weekends - thus completely cutting off my access to the engineering building and hence access to the blasted Matlab software - I'd had little if any time to sit down and try to get used to it again. Insufficient Matlab time messed up my first HW, and looks to be dooming my second. And I was frustrated about not having anywhere to live. I would KILL for some consistency. Okay, maybe not 'kill' per se but I'd like totally break a nail or something...:-). As I explained to a friend yesterday, this lack of consistency was 'messing with my flow'. It's also the cause of all the discombobulation.

But anyway, I went to class, the prof gave us an extension till this evening on the Matlab section of the HW. Handing it in late wll incur a 10% penalty, and I didn't hand in the other section of the HW (was utterly, completely and totally lost)...but hopefully at least something will go in. I also spoke to her about said lostness, and she assured me that I still had plenty of time to pick up the slack where assignments are concerned so my grade in the class wasn't in jeopardy yet. A kind, generous soul then proceeded to give me a little homework help and also, joy upon joys, gave me some info on apartment buildings to help me finally start my long-awaited and much needed apartment hunt. Right about now I'd live in a pothole - as long as it was firmly within Baltimore and located along a bus route. I ain't picky, me and my pothole...we'd be pimpin'. So right now, having slept and what not (it's 8:58am the following morning), I'm ready to start tackling the Matlab anew. But where did I sleep? That's the topic for a whole 'nother post. For now, suffice it to say that there was a floor involved :-s. I'm getting too old for this.