i think the name is self explanatory

Monday, April 16, 2007

Shootings at Virginia Tech

I just got this email from the chairperson of my department


In case you haven't heard, there were shootings at Virginia Techtoday. They are currently reporting 22 students and faculty dead (including a shooter) and several injured. One person was killed inthe dorm and it appears the others were killed in the engineeringbuilding. Reports are sketchy. If you google "virginia tech" you'll find websites to the news...


I have no words...

Click here for more details (VA Tech website)

Saturday, April 14, 2007

Yummy, yummy in my tummy

Made parmesan tilapia with quinoa, spinach and green peas for dinner tonight....what a sinting sweet sah!

Go ahead.

Be impressed.

I know I sure am.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Pact with Self

I made a new rule for myself this morning as I rode the bus to the school at which I teach. It's the no-carrying-work-home-in-the-evening rule. It is my rule and I shall love it. And I shall name it Squishy. Sorry.

I'm going to bed now.

Friday, April 06, 2007


I'm not much a talker though 'twould appear that I'm quite the prolific typer once I get going. But today won't be one of those 'get going days'. Why is it so hard for me to get focused? Sometimes I feel like I'm going crazy. Today's not a good day. Unfocused.


I think I need a change of scenery. I think he's wrong. I kinda hope that I'm wrong too. Is it just a self discipline problem? But that doesn't seem to match up with the rest of my me-ness. People think that I'm joking when I talk about this, but I'm quite serious. Unfortunately. And I feel like I'm going a little crazy.

Thursday, April 05, 2007

HOPE Worldwide

These are my peoples. Check out the CNN video link below (btw, I'm totally feeling Oprah's comments at the end:


On May 19 I will be at the HOPE Global Summit being held at the Dulles Hyatt in Herndon, Virginia (near Dulles Airport). Will you be there too?:


"HOPE worldwide Global Summit
Saturday, May 19, 2007 - Dulles Hyatt, Herndon, VA


See how your support brings hope to the poor, weak and suffering Hear stories from the front lines of the battle against extreme poverty. Discover ways to put your faith in action by helping the less fortunate. Meet personally with HOPE worldwide leaders from around the world.

HOPE worldwide country and program directors will conduct informative interactive workshops about their work. Hear first hand about programs that bring hope and change lives in countries ranging from Jamaica to Russia to South Africa to China to the United States.

Sunday, May 20 - Join us for a special Worship Service!
Monday, May 21 - Stay for the Royal Ambassador's Golf Classic benefiting the Sihanouk Hospital Center of HOPE."

"Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute." Proverbs 31:8