i think the name is self explanatory

Saturday, February 27, 2010

I need help

I'm not feeling so great today. That's okay tho, because being sick gives me the perfect excuse to blog lol. I was reflecting this morning on the psychological problems that I'm sure that I have. For example - and this is the first time I've ever said this out loud (well, you know what I mean) - so yes, for example, I kinda enjoy being sick. It must be obvious by now that I've never been seriously, gut wrenchingly ill, otherwise I'm sure that I'd have an entirely different perspective on this. But, as it stands, having a completely valid excuse to stay in bed all day is something that I don't get all torn up about. I also like the kind of attention that you get when you're sick. I particularly like the way that people speak in hushed tones whenever you blink for too long, because they think that "the poor thing has fallen asleep" "sshh, don't go in there - she needs her rest...she's not feeling so well today".

Does this make me a bad person?

I like the kind of sleep that you get when you're sick. The kind where waking up entails vaguely opening your eyes, considering rolling over, but then...you know...not...choosing instead to drift gently back into unconsciousness. I really, really like that.

Of course, that's provided your illness doesn't come with pain. That being said - I hate cramps. And, unfortunately, that's the kind of "sick" I'm working with today. Fortunately, I'm in the post painkiller-induced-sleep phase. The part where you're generally feeling pretty icky, but happily pain free....and in that kinda dreamy state that only extra-strength something can produce. I'll take it. I'll definitely take it over the weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth loveliness that almost immediately precedes it.

There's more that I'd like to add to this post - like how I love the fact that Jamaican doctors consider cream soda and coconut water to be completely legitimate prescriptions ("Dr. SoandSo, little Johnny has a fever and is just throwing up left right and center" "That's ok Ms. T'ing. Just give him some cream soda to settle his stomach, and then 5 cc's of coconut water ever hour on the hour thereafter. Hold on, let me write that out for you..."); and the fact that I figure the real reason that I'm unnaturally fond of running a fever is that it gives me a rock solid excuse for unrestrained, unfettered relaxation that's wholly and completely without guilt. Go psychoanalyze that. But I'm - you know - not feeling well. HA! So I might go sleep or sumn. Or no, wait, Gibson Relays are on. I hear that Usain is going to be running in the the 4x400m (that's right, 400m!! The distance that he said he'd never do), so I'll probably look out for that. Or, you know, not. I can do whatever I feel like doing today, because it's Saturday....and I'm SICK!!
