i think the name is self explanatory

Thursday, November 28, 2013


One day all in. The next day all out. Father, please bring me to the middle (but not 100% there - that sounds kinda boring). I wish I was more balanced. But at the same time I can't go back to making 'balance' (or at least the ever elusive striving after it) my idol.

Yesterday I spent a lot of time - arguably too much time - thinking, reading and writing about Tessanne Chin and Trinidad & Tobago.

I am unreasonably happy for, and proud of, Tessanne. Story start and end right deh so. #TeamTessanne all day, all night! If you're in the USA, please to ensure to vote by all means possible!!!

As for T&T, I have quite liked most of the Trinis and Tobagonians that I've come across. Plus I really like their accent - I for real could just sit down and listen to them talk. And where else are you going to find an entire nation of people who think it appropriate to put pepper in every striking thing? In general, is a cool set of people. But this mistreatment of Jamaicans at the border by their immigration officers, and the immigration officers of select other Caribbean countries, is really. getting. old. I, for one, have grown weary of the liberty tekking. And I am even MORE weary of the corruption, selfish ambition and demonstrated ineptitude of so many of Jamaica's leaders, across all sectors, which has fed into the shame and disgrace of other nations considering us a blight when we show up at their borders. Thus also feeding into the aforementioned liberty tekking.

So, here's a little message to all Jamaica's Leaders and miscellaneous Fat Cats: In case you have forgotten how serious a charge this is (all the details of which I won't outline, just consider the way that the nations's business is generally run on a day to day basis - especially within the public sector)…do you remember Sodom? As in Sodom and Gomorrah? Yes, the place that God completely destroyed with fire and brimstone. Please take note of why Sodom did get dun out:

“Now this was the sin of your sister Sodom: She and her daughters were arrogant,overfed and unconcerned; they did not help the poor and needy. They were haughty and did detestable things before me. Therefore I did away with them as you have seen." - God's words to Jerusalem by way of Ezekiel, His prophet (as recorded in Ezekiel 16:49-50)

Did that surprise you? Listen, and listen very carefully: Be careful, in this life that you live, of the games that you play because you will be called to account for each and every one of them.